Thursday, February 11, 2010

Ten on Thursday!

Ten on Thursday

1. we are in Edmonton...Riley had a long weekend so we decided to take a break and get away from our normal Calgary duties and come up here, go to the water park and just veg.

2. Annabella is getting so big..she is starting to sit up all by hereself! She is still wobbly but can do it for a bit! (see photo!)

3. The olympics are almost here! Friday night is the opening ceremonies, we are having a bit of an olympic party here with the kids.. We are going to fondue, and make a bed for the kids on the floor and watch the opening ceremonies...FUN!

4.Saturday night Ben and I are going to the Flames game! Our friends Josh and Sarah got us tickets so, we got a babysitter for all of our kids and off we go! I am so looking forward to a pocket dog. Do they still have those at hockey games?

5. On valentines Day we are going to take the kids to Boston Pizza for heart shaped pizzas! I think this will be the beginning of a new family tradition. I am really looking forward to it. Plus, part of the proceeds go to Haiti! which brings me to my next thought.

6. Did you hear about the guy they found in Haiti who was burried alive under rubble? They found him like almost 4 weeks later. Doctors are wondering how he stayed alive, they insist that he must have been getting water from somewhere but Haiti has had no rain, and there was no water anywhere near him. The man says that a man in a white coat brought him water every once in a while! I believe God sent an angel to take care of him!

7. Tonight for dinner we are having spaghetti and meatballs! we are going to make smoothies for desert!

8. We learned something new for the kids allergies! (they are allergic to dairy and eggs and nuts!) We are going to buy tofruitty and make smoothies for breakfast. I am always looking for a way to add protein to breakfasts for the kids since they cant have the usual breakfast stuff. Hopefully this will be the key. Now, if only they will love the smoothies! Any ideas let me know.

9. Today we painted with the kids. We tried a new technique! ( we learned from jon and kate plus eight) We let them paint a bit then we placed tin foil on their paper and let them paint a different color then more tin foil randomly placed. We did this over and over. It turned out good! i will post pics soon!

10. Tonight we scrapbook! yea! It should be fun. I think I am working on a bit of Nathaniel and a bit of Annabella.


Melanna said...

have you checked out this website?
Her kids had the same allergies. It's not exactly smoothies, but there are recipes and everything helps, right? She has links to a bunch of other websites with similar allergies. As for smoothies, I haven't looked at it super close in terms of allergies, but I have the Smoothy Bible cook book. You're welcome to borrow it if you want to take a look.

Vanessa Gooch said...

I'm finally getting around to commenting! Love that picture of Annabella! She does look so grown up!
I hope the kids liked the smoothies! You will have to post some pics. of your scrapbooking too! I would love to see what you did!

Sandrine McCurdy said...

The blog is looking fantastic! Love you!