Friday, March 19, 2010


The time has finally come for me to sit down and actually blog, only now my mind is blank. Ever since I started this blog I think in blog format. Everything i do, i think i could blog about this or that (or there is no way i would blog about this!) I take pictures and think I can't wait to post these on my blog yet they stay on my SD card! Here is a list of the few things i was planning on writting a huge blog about ..instead i will try and give you a brief synopsis...

1 Birthdays! This time of year most of my family has birthdays.To me Birthdays are not just a celebration of that persons birth but rather their life!

So, we started the year out with Jamus' 3rd birthday. We had a bunch of his friends over and did a Diego birthday. We planned and talked to him about this day for the whole month, we did a Diego birthday countdown, it was lots of fun, until that day! Jamus does not do well in big crowds! He doesn't like them and would rather be by himself playing or with 1 or 2 close friends. So, he spent much of his birthday looking for his daddy and holding onto him for dear life! He did love his cake. Chocolate his favorite!

Next was Riley's 8 th birthday. Originally we decided to just have a few friends over for Pizza and a movie night. That all changed when it was time to do the invitations!Riley kept wanting to add more friends to the list, everytime i would say no, that's too many he would tell me how sad that person would be if they werent invited! So, being the sucker that I am more kids were invited! I think we ended up with 13 2nd graders here!We played wii games, watched a movie had pizza, cake and snacks, and of course opened presents! He got tons of Lego!2 of his buddies from school ended up staying the night! It was Riley's first sleepover and it was lots of fun!

Next was Ben's was a much calmer event. We went to Open Sesame for dinner and came back to our house to unwrap gifts and have dessert. His favorite gift was from me! ( Yea! ) I gave him a short trip to Dallas Tx. to go hear Kari Jobe! We go at the end of April. In the words of my friend Jill I gave him worship for his birthday! lol!

Next is my birthday! Actually it is today! Nothing major planned. We are going to Olive Garden for dinner. The kids are spending the night at Grandmas so it should be a nice quiet evening. ( although i still have the baby maybe quiet isn't the right word..)

After my birthday is Nathaniels it is April 5 but he has been planning since January!every day it changes as to where it is and what kind of cake it will be, and who is invited! we will see what happens!

Well, I dont have time to fill you in on my other blog ideas..I think this one has turned out to be enough for now! I must go make breakfast for my kids!


Melanna said...

Haha! The idea of 13 grade 2 kids must have freaked out my mom. We had rules for how many kids we could invite. I was the third kid, so she was tough by the time it came to my birthday. If my brother (the oldest) was sneaky enough to get more kids at his party, I never heard how it was done. We were allowed to invite however many kids for the number we were turning (so 8 kids for an 8th birthday).

amanda. leanne. bryde. said...

i LOVE that you're bloggin chris! i'm following you now...muahaha! but seriously, stoked to read more!

Vanessa Gooch said...

Ha, ha...I think in blog format too. There are even blogs that I have started and never posted! :o) It's the time thing--there just never seem to be enough hours! You do have a lot of birthdays at the beginning of the year! I hope that Nathaniel enjoys his b-day on the beach!