Friday, April 9, 2010


I just wanted to take a minute to share a quick little story!

Easter Sunday we decided to go to a sunrise service here in Hawaii. We woke up to it pouring down rain and kinda decided to not go..then i said to ben, i think we will regret it if we dont, besides we are in hawaii and it usually does not rain long. So, we got all the kids up and dressed and off we went . It was amazing!I am so glad we went! The service was right on the beach, the worship was good and the preaching was inspirational. After the service they had an amazing continental breakfast and we decided to go home and get ready to go to the beach. On the way home Riley casually says, "mom Nathaniel asked Jesus into his heart today." I said really? I turnd and looked at Nathaniel He said," yea, the magician( they had an illusionist come speak to the kids) asked if we wanted jesus in our hearts to stand up and pray with him, so I did!" I was so proud of him. Riley then said, "Nathaniel the angels in heaven are rejoicing right now!" Riley then went on to tell Nathaniel about the time he asked jesus into his heart! He remembered so many details about it! He even remembered the way he felt before and why he did it! We then went on to start discussing baptism and riley shared that he felt ready to be baptized now! ( We had talked with him before and he had always said he wasn't ready) What an amazing Easter for me as a mom! I am so proud of my boys! I love them so much and my greatest desire is to see them grow up to be little men after gods heart! What a great beginning!


Vanessa Gooch said...

Oh Christina, that was such a wonderful, wonderful blog and just totally made me cry and made my heart sing!! That is such awesome news!! That is my biggest prayer, the biggest burden on my heart, that both my kids give their hearts to the Lord. You are an amazing mom and have such an amazing family! God Bless and we too are all rejoicing with this great news!! Praise the Lord! :o)

andrea said...

Your little men are so very inspirational! Thank you for sharing.

DaveJenn said...

Wow, that is fantastic! We can't believe what little men you have there! Very cool.