Thursday, August 5, 2010


My five year old son has decided that he is a stunt man! We are out in BC at Harrison and he has had a tremendous amount of time to ride his bike..He is now doing all kinds of stunts, not just your ordinary ride with no hands or do a pop a wheelie that I would expect, but rather extreme stunts! He takes one leg and puts it on the other side of the bike so that two legs are on one side..or he gets up on his knees on the seat! I was having a hard time with this. I know he is a boy but somewhere I have to draw the line when things get too dangerous right? I still am not sure whether or not to draw the line and say no more stunts or to just let him be a little boy and do the crazy is a picture of him standing on his bike! CRAZY KID!


Unknown said...

Let him be a boy, he could be the next Travis Pastrana :)

Vanessa Gooch said...

Awe, way to go Riley! That's awesome! Pad him up and let him go!!! Maybe he needs to teach our Zechariah to ride. We bought the pads, helmet, batman gloves, everything and he is still not ready to ride his bike. They say that the first ones are the cautious ones, so what happened to Riley! ;o) Miss you guys! So happy to see another blog post and I love the new look of it!

Christina Buhler said...

It isn't Riley! It is Nathaniel, my sweet little boy that i was told would probably be clutzy..and not very good at sports etc. I cant believe that 4 lb boy is so big!

Vanessa Gooch said...

No way! That's Nathaniel! What a testimony! God is so awesome and works in miraculous ways all the time! Just look at that picture! Still pad him up and let him ride! ;o)That is awesome! I totally thought it was Riley! He looks so tall standing up like that doing his stunts!