Wednesday, August 11, 2010

5 random thoughts....

1. Annabella is walking! in the last day she has decided that walking is a better means of getting around than crawling! She took her first steps just over a month ago but still has preferred to crawl rather than walk.All of a sudden today her thoughts changed and she walks everywhere!

2.Did you hear the little girl on Americas Got Talent? Amazing! I'm so glad she made it through to the next round. Also, Riley and Nathaniel love watching that show. I like that we can sit down together and watch it.

3. I can't believe summer is almost over!

4. Jamus has taken off with his swimming! All of a sudden he is all over the pool. He keeps his life jacket on and jumps in and goes...he doesn't want anyone to hold onto him anymore and he actually leaves the steps!Riley and Nathaniel are not wearing life jackets anymore. they are doing back flips off the side of the pool..swimming to the bottom etc. Annabella also loves the water she likes to sit on the side of the pool and have you pull her in! What little fish i have created!

5. I bought the book Crazy Love by Francis Chan ( i think that's his name) I cant wait to read it! Has anyone read that one?

1 comment:

Vanessa Gooch said...

YAY Annabella is walking! Look out, now she is off and into everything! Happy be-lated birthday to her too! I am so sorry, I was going to call and then we were going to send an email and I forgot and then it has been nuts as I am trying to apply on another job! :o( I love that your kids are water babies too! My kids love it and I need to get them into some more swimming lessons!