Monday, October 25, 2010

Outside my Window.... SNOW!

I am Thankful....for PD days! I am so glad that i did not have to drive my kids to school on this yucky day!

I am Praying...for Health for my family..everyone has ben so sick for soo long! Today is day 17 of puking in my house! Yesterday i thought for sure everyone was better and we were over this. This morning i woke up to Nathaniel screaming because his tummy hurt, and then throwing up. Then after annabellas morning nap i went to put her in her high chair and she puked all over me!

I am thinking....that i am going to spend the afternoon bleaching my house in hopes of getting rid of this bug!

I am celebrating....My best friend has come through a very difficult time with her health. She just recently had another surgery to rectify things. This should be the end of the "health problems" for her!

I am wearing.... sweats and a t-shirt. I smell like puke because i have not had a shower since annabella puked all over me.

I am reading.... This is a frustrating topic for me. I love to read but i promised Ben i would read the book Shepherding your childs heart before i read anything else. Normally this would be no big deal but i cant seem to want to read it. I am sure it is great. but at this point in my life reading a nonfiction book is a lot of work. It takes too much thought. The reason i love to read fiction is because i dont have to think about it. I just want to lose myself in a good fiction book but this is not happening...What to do?

I am hoping....that today is the last day of sickness in my house...that Ben does well in his sim evaluation this weekend...that my sister in law lets my nephew spend the night with uas this weekend.( she has never left him overnight until this past month. ) oh, and that riley and nathaniel live through the night...their fighting is driving me crazy!

I am creating...a clean house...with lots of bleach...

My favorite... thing to do right now is sit in complete silence! I cant wait till the kids go to bed tonight and i can have a bath and not have to say anything to anyone!

1 comment:

Vanessa Gooch said...

I am praying and hoping for good health for your family too! It is so hard when everyone is sick! We have been praying for you best friend too! We really hope that she has a speedy recovery and that absolutely everything went perfectly!

Let me know how the book is, when you get through it! That is too funny, I am so not a fiction reader and never have been.

Praying for Ben too! Let us know how everything went! Love and miss you guys!